
Beginn: 20:00
Ende: 04:00
Eintritt: 30 €


Guess What 😉!? Wh0riental is Coming!🪩Save The Dates!Get Early Bird Ticket🚀🔥

To all the precious wh**res and f∆gs, the Black and Brown h**kers, the d√kes, the freaks, the queer, trans & gender bender royals out there thirsty for space and appreciation:

Queerberg got you covered! WHORIENTAL goes into the second round! And this year we will celebrate it two days:

15th September at Grüner Salon (Volksbühne)

16th September at Säälchen Club💃👯

Together, we will once again indulge in Black and Brown and s*xw*rker owned dance, music and performances.

One Ticket (25 Euro) – Two Nights

Blu Fiefer (LIVE) | DJ Floyd Lavine | Rachid Alexander (Dance Show & WorkShop) | DJ Mamakil | Dornika (LIVE) | The Whoriental Kiki Showcase Ball. | Prince Emrah | Chiqui Love | Gazino Neukölln feat. Kürperi | Maque Pereyra | B.A.M (Black A$$ Moment) | Black & Brown Cabaret | Lux Venérea (aka Bundaskanzlerin) | Angel Maxine | Edwin Grebe | Jota Ramos | Pocstories | Selin Davasse (LIVE)

Details on alberlin.com

Get Your Tickets! https://alberlin.com/whoriental-festival-2023/